Welcome To ulsternationalist.freeservers.com.
Ulster nationalist, is a Northern Ireland/Ulster based political movement of radical-Ulster Nationalists. Ulster Nationalism is a new thinking dedicated, not to a foreign sovereign state (Britain, Ireland) but to Ulster itself our motherland!!! Ulster is a province in North-Eastern Ireland, most recently settled in the 17th Century by Scottish/Scots-Presbyterians (Reformed, Protestants)who came with the Plantation scheme. Bringing with them their Scottish heritage, music and a language known as Scots, a Germanic tongue now a variant of modern Anglo-Saxon English.
The agricultural skills brought by these settlers of Scottish origin was invaluable to the development of Northern-Ireland/Ulster, however their non-conformist religious practices later clashed with the "Native-Irish" Catholic population and also with the English ruling Anglican state. The persecution they received drove many from their homeland to other nations namely the USA, in search of religious tolerance, so the first immigrants of "Irish"/Ulster origin came in 1717+ with the Ulster-Scots Presbyterians!!! This is shown by the emmense Ulster-Scots or Scotch-Irish influence in America
(Dont forget to sign Guestbook at the bottom) Ulsters Celtic heritage is both unique and yet related to the outside influences of the neighbouring island of Britain and Southern Ireland. It was Ulsterfolk, in ancient times, that brought the Gaelic language into Scotland. It is in Scotland were the ancient Britons (Picts, Cruthin), united with their Celtic neighbours to form the nation of the 'Scotti', from whence the last settlers in Ireland the Ulster-Scots returned to Ulster. Making them not so much invaders but those returning to the lands of their ancestors
Around 7,000 B.C. settlers crossed the narrow channel between Britain and Ulster to become Ireland's first inhabitants. Thirty centuries later they were peaceably joined by new settlers from what is now Scotland, who brought agriculture and commerce.
In continental Europe iron-making caused a technological revolution from 800 B.C. onwards. Prominent in the use of this material were the Celts. These were a group of peoples who spoke related languages and had similar beliefs and lifestyles, although they certainly did not regard themselves as one nation. By 700 B.C. the Celts were established in Central Europe north of the Alps. From there they spread to Asia Minor (the "foolish Galatians"), Italy, Spain, France and the "Islands of the Pretani" (British Isles). From 300 B.C. onwards iron was replacing bronze in Ireland, but archaeology suggests that Celts did not settle on the island in any great numbers until after the time of Christ.
Various Celtic peoples became the dominant caste in different parts of Britain and Ireland. However the majority of the population in Scotland and Ireland remained the Pretani. Those of Pretani stock in Scotland are usually called "Picts", while those in Ireland came to be labelled "Cruthin". In Ulster the Celtic Ulaid from Britain became an elite class. Ulster gets its name from the Gaelic Tir Ulad, or Uladhstir in the Norse tongue, which literally means "Land of the Ulaidh".