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Ulster the Republic? The definition of republicanism or the republican theory is as follows: "Republicanism is regarded as one of the four sources of democratic theory and practice. However, republicanism is not attributable to ancient Greece; it was instead exemplified by republican Rome (510-23 BC) and was revived by the Italian city-states in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period. Instead of emphasizing the importance of "rule by the people" and the ideal of political equality (as the classical democracy does), the classical republicanism advocates self-government, mixed constitution and the need for a government that reflects the interests not only of "the many (the people)," but also of "the one (the monarch)" and "the few (the aristocrats)," which in pre-modern days were regarded as two distinct classes separate from the people ("the many"). In modern terms, republicanism and democracy are no longer incompatible. Instead, they tend to focus on different aspects of the same political regime, and they are complementary to each other. Republicanism explains the source and nature of governmental power in a democracy, while democracy provides the mechanism for a government to be truly republican. In addition, the classical idea of mixed constitution, and the modern idea of separation of power, can be regarded as a way to control the problem of democratic tyranny". In Ulster and indeed Ireland the view of Republicanism has been tainted by that brand of Irish Imperialism which the Catholic-Nationalists of Sinn Fein and the Provisional IRA espouse as 'Republicanism'. Irish Republicanism, in its modern form, is and has always been nakedly sectarian and pro-Marxist. The ideals of true republicanism, that of democratic self-government and mixed constitution, while at the same time advocating the separation of power so that the peoples rights can be protected over the central power, indeed advocated by the truest form of Irish Republicanism, the 'Society of United Irishmen' 1791-1798. Is in no way related to the modern Irish Republican movement advocated by Sinn Fein, PIRA, INLA. The often reiterated claim of the Irish Republican movement is that of 'Self-determination', ignoring the Irish nation constituted in 1921. Yet the IRA/Sinn Fein have denied even the suggestion of Ulster's self-determination and right to nationhood as totally false and laughable? Given, the state of Northern Ireland set up with the same 1921 treaty of Lloyd George, was only partly democratic and power was centralised and therefore non-republican. Still a nation is a nation and is entitled to the same freedom and independence as any other, and all its people should be entitled to the freedoms and rights instituted in any truly democratic republic. Ulster as a nation has suffered from the institutions of misrule and no-one can deny that, but beyond that Ulster has suffered even more greatly from the horror of 30 years of terrorist violence. Ulster has been denied the basic opportunity to seek something better for itself and its people and thus it has suffered even more greatly, as the people become more afflicted the opportunity to institute a truly democratic republican government becomes less likely. Irish Republicanism has in claiming itself to be the only political entity entitled to seek unity, self-determination and freedom, has denied the most basic right, and therefore denied democratic freedom, that of the right to life! Republicanism, the philosophy of the rights of man, is therefore alien to Irish Republicanism and can never really offer true freedom to any part of 'Ireland' or Ulster. Ulster must in the end decide her own future, and it has many examples of which to follow, and more examples of which not to follow! To deny Ulster's basic right to freedom and self-determination is in essence to deny history, culture and republicanism itself. It is up to us to show the Ulster people that self-determination is not beyond her reach and no political-terrorists can in the end deny her that basic fundamental right, indeed if nothing else has been shown over the years it is that the only real damage that can be caused to Ulster’s political future is that of politics! The politics of outsiders and those of people within seeking political protection from those outside; Such politics have failed Ulster, and therefore all of her people. As 'Ulster Nation', the political voice of 'Ulster Third way', Ulsters only pro-Independence political movement, has stated more that once, 'Political renewal will only come with cultural renewal', it is therefore necessary to show all the people of Ulster our cultural and historical uniqueness. Loyalty! loyal Cambridge Advanced Dictionary Loyalty is a noble ideal, it breeds noble virtues in people because in their loyalty men can be driven to make great sacrifices and act in ways that are seen by others as ‘Stupid and futile’, the Somme etc. If being loyal requires the giving of blood, if it requires the sacrifice of life and liberty, if being loyal requires men to stand firm against great evils, to openly declare yourself loyal in an expressive manor even though it may be enough for others to kill you, if being loyal means that you must suffer so that those to whom your loyalty is directed do not have to suffer, if it means giving so much but receiving nothing or little in return, if it means remaining loyal while those to whom you are being loyal betray you; If loyalty requires all this, then Ulster is indeed a ‘Loyal country’! Has our loyalty been worth so much sacrifice? Has our loyalty been rewarded on equal measure with our loyal sacrifice? Can we justify our loyalty? In asking these questions and truly pondering them I have found the answer is more often than not, NO! Of all the thousands of Ulstermen and women who have given so much, including sacrificing their lives, we have gained absolutely nothing in return to justify our loyalty, accept perhaps in 1690 when for a short period we gained some liberty under William III. There have been a few on the mainland who have defended our small nation. Yet we have received no substantial backing on balance with our sacrifices! Loyalty is a two way relationship, what we give so to should we receive! But we in Ulster give all…and receive nothing! We give our loyalty to Britain, expecting that the noble British will protect their ‘Brothers across the water’, yet time after time, year after year our so-called British protectors betray us, like they have done over most of this last century. When you think about it and look within Ulster then look at the Mainland, you will see that the only place that is still truly British, is Ulster! We have become ‘More British than the British themselves’, where else in Britain do so many people still fly the Union Flag all year round? Where else in Britain do people support the Queen and the Monarchy to such an extent? We are the last ‘Bastion’ of the old-style British colonial experiment that has worked too well! We have sacrificed and fought under the ‘Red, White and Blue’ through out our history, clinging to a nostalgic sense of Britishness that has long since passed away to the mainlanders, Winston Churchill clung to the nostalgic ideals of Britain, it worked and it saved us all from the greatest evil the world has faced, yet that nostalgic ideal of ‘Britain and the Empire’ has no meaning, except in ‘Northern Ireland’. Is there a way forward? YES! Ulsterfolk must realise that in the end we can rely on no one else but ourselves, and why should we rely on anyone else? We are the only people who can truly bring peace to our own nation; all the people in the world, Presidents, Prime Ministers and foreign supporters have not been able to bring peace to Northern Ireland. The only way for us as a people and nation to move forward is to look beyond our traditional loyalties to outside powers, and re-discover another loyalty to our one and only homeland. There may be fear on the part of Unionists that causes them to feel apprehensive towards contemplating a breaking, or reforming of the link to Great Britain, they fear that to do so would some how weaken their identity as Ulstermen or British Citizens. We Ulster nationalists have known that fear, many of us come from “Unionist” backgrounds, and indeed are still part of a family who consider themselves Unionists. But there is a way to move forward as Ulsterfolk, it will take great effort for us to achieve a viable form of sovereign-independence, and it will involve the sharing of ideas and the making of difficult decisions; it is not impossible and is the only hope for Ulster and her people. If we are truly dedicated to peace, equality and democracy, then we should seek to achieve that as a people with a common bond and a shared link. The love of our nation, we have a duty to ourselves, and our future generations, to meet with the changing times of our present being and to move forward in a positive way. We can secure our existence as a people, only if we are prepared to meet the challenges that face us head-on and united. We do not seek to destroy Britain or have no-link with our neighbours, all we want is a stable future, were we decide our own government, and our own future so that we may be truly independent and free. Ulster Independence – A future for Ulster!